The Winners
Out of a competitive field, five organisations have been selected due to their innovative proposals to address the specific challenges of PQ-REACT in terms of PQC computational complexity and energy efficiency. Representing Greece, Spain, Austria, and Slovenia, the PQ-REACT Open Call #1 Winners have just embarked on our Quantum journey.
The Winners
Out of a competitive field, five organisations have been selected due to their innovative proposals to address the specific challenges of PQ-REACT in terms of PQC computational complexity and energy efficiency. Representing Greece, Spain, Austria, and Slovenia, the PQ-REACT Open Call #1 Winners have just embarked on our Quantum journey.


Use case 2 winner

Quantum-Agile 5G Core / QA5G

Quantum-Agile 5G Core / QA5G

This proposal aims to enhance the security of 5G Service-Based Architecture (SBA) by integrating post-quantum cryptographic algorithms through libOQS. Specifically, QA5G will replace traditional cryptographic mechanisms in key services such as NRF and AUSF with quantum-resistant protocols, ensuring protection against future quantum attacks. The project will also focus on TLS-based communication within the SBA, demonstrating cryptographic agility and long-term resilience in 5G infrastructure.

Dr Emmanouil Kafetzakis, Co-founder and R&D Director

Dr Ioannis Giannoulakis, Co- Founder and Project Management Director


Use case 1 winner

Analysis and Optimisation of PQC Algorithms for Firmware Signing / QA5G

Analysis and Optimisation of PQC Algorithms for Firmware Signing

The project evaluates PQC algorithms for firmware signing, focusing on ML-DSA, SLH-DSA, Falcon, LMS. It benchmarks their performance against classical cryptographic methods (e.g., NIST P-256) in terms of signing time, verification time, and signature size. The goal is to address the challenges of migrating to PQC, explore hybrid deployments, and optimize PQC for efficient, scalable firmware updates. The optimised usecases will then be implemented as proof of concept.

Nastja Cepak, Cryptographer

Andrej Sovič, Project Manager

Jakob Matek, Cryptographer

Damijan Dolenc, Lead Developer

Gregor Čretnik, Developer


Use case 4 winner

QUIET – QRISP for Measuring the Security of Lattice-Based Cryptosystems

QUIET – QRISP for MeasUring the SecurIty of LatticE-Based CrypTosystems

The proposed project aims to study the effects that the different parameters defining a lattice may cause in the security of cryptographic schemes based on them. Considering the state-of-the-art attacks to those schemes, the goal is to build a tool using QRISP that, given some lattice parameters, outlines the security of the underlying schemes.

Julen Bernade, Cryptography Researcher at TECNALIA Research & Innovation

Cristina Regueiro, Senior Researcher in Cybersecurity & Blockchain Team TECNALIA

Iñaki Seco, Blockchain and Privacy Preserving Researcher


Use case 2 winner

Q-PROTECT: 5G Quantum Security Transition

Q-PROTECT: 5G Quantum Security Transition

Using our advanced physical and virtual 5G lab, our project will test quantum-safe solutions, like hybrid PQC-QKD approaches for secure authentication and protection of network components, developing architectures and tools that facilitate cryptographic agility, and allowing for continuous migration to new cryptographic standards. Goals include evaluating performance impacts, analyzing resource consumption, and defining best practices for quantum-secure PKI in 5G network management.

Raúl Orduna Urrutia, Director de Ciberseguridad en Vicomtech

José Álvaro Fernández Carrasco, Researcher en Vicomtech

Amaia Gil Lerchundi, Researcher en Vicomtech

Lucía Muñoz Solanas, Asistente de Investigación en Seguridad Digital

Decent Cybersecurity s.r.o.

Use case 3 winner


CRISP-Q (Cryptographic Resilience Implementation for Secure Post-Quantum Systems) delivers a comprehensive framework for implementing FIPS 203-compliant post-quantum cryptography in diverse IT/OT environments. The project focuses on practical PQC deployment through performance-optimized protocols, automated migration tools, and real-world validation in resource-constrained settings. CRISP-Q includes benchmarking suites, security audit capabilities, and educational components to facilitate widespread PQC adoption across critical infrastructure sectors.

Matej Michalko, Founder, CEO, Chairman

Michaela Abel, Founder, COO

Pavol Krcho, PhD., Senior IT Consultant

maj. Marcel Snejdr, Security Director

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