We are excited to present the inner core of the PQ-REACT project!
Twelve organisations are shaping the project’s team striving to design, develop, and validate a framework for a faster and smoother transition from classical to post-quantum cryptography, including R&D Centers, Scientific Organizations, Universities, SMEs, Marketing Agencies and Defense Institutions!
Get on board and let’s discover the PQ-REACT team!

AGH University of Krakow (AGH) is a public university in Poland, founded in 1913. The university is one of 10 Polish higher education institutions that have been granted the title of a research university. AGH is recognized as the best of Polish technical universities in many international rankings (including CWUR, CWTS Leiden Ranking or Shanghai Ranking): https://www.agh.edu.pl/en/o-agh/agh-w-rankingach. The university comprises 17 faculties, research centers, and other didactic centers and departments. Two supercomputers (Athena and Ares) from the TOP500 list of the fastest supercomputers in the world operate in the Academic Computer Centre Cyfronet AGH. AGH offers three levels of education, including doctoral schools. The university educates more than 20,000 students and employs approx. 2,000 academic staff.
The Institute of Telecommunications has broad experience in teaching and research in the field of telecommunications and computer science. The development strategy includes quantum technology and cybersecurity (e.g., quantum and post-quantum cryptography, security architectures and protocols, intrusion detection and mitigation, etc.). The institute has participated in many 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, H2020 UE Framework Programs, EUREKA CELTIC, EDA, and COSTs projects.
AGH University of Krakow role in the PQ-REACT project!
AGH team wants to support PQ-REACT in research on quantum and post-quantum cryptography solutions, especially security analysis and performance evaluation. Also, integration of post-quantum cryptography algorithms with contemporary systems and networks will be important research direction.
Being a member of the PQ-REACT team is exciting, but let’s see what the AGH team is saying about it!
It is a pleasure working for the PQ-REACT project in general, but we are excited more to work on the following:
- Benchmarking and validation of post-quantum cryptography algorithms supporting digital signature scheme.
- Pilot demonstrators, especially regarding quantum key distribution on 5G networks
And of course, the positive impact to expect by being a member of the team!
Quantum technology has a great impact on IT systems and networks, especially regarding cybersecurity. Therefore, we hope to develop solutions which will be secure, efficient, and resistant to attacks using quantum computers for the next decades.
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