PQ-REACT 3rd General Assembly Meeting

The PQ-REACT third general assembly meeting took place in Pisa, Italy, from March 12 to 13, 2024! In the beautiful premises of Sant’Anna University in Pisa, consortium partners gathered to discuss the project’s activities and work implemented so far!

The first day was full of discussions and Work packages presentations. More precisely,WP2 PQC Architectures, tools, and interfaces, WP3 Benchmarking PQC algorithms, WP4 Pilot Demonstrators, and lastly, WP5 Open call management and improvement of the pilots were presented in depth and information on what has been achieved so far, and which are the plans for the future were shared. Even though each Work Package has its leader, general meetings are a great opportunity for opinions and suggestions to be raised to shape the work for the future and allow all partners to contribute accordingly to all work packages.

The second day’s agenda was shorter but included critical project aspects as well. The day started with WP6 Technology, legal analysisand implementation, continued with WP7 Dissemination, Communication, and Exploitation, and wrapped up with WP1 Project Management.

In the spirit of progress and growth, the PQ-REACT third general assembly meeting gave us the opportunity to engage in open dialogue and strategic planning. Consortium meetings are a great opportunity for all voices to be heard, fostering inclusivity and diversity in decision-making processes. The PQ-REACT consortium is promising to deliver impactful results and shape a future for a faster and smoother transition from classical to post-quantum cryptography!

Stay tuned to the project by joining its social media world!
